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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #experts

Sure! Why should any experts be the arbiters... That's like telling someone they can't be a vegetarian.

Virginia Johnson

#experts #like #should #someone #sure

White House and State Department foreign-policy experts are overwhelmingly directed towards military and diplomatic issues, not development issues.

Jeffrey Sachs

#development #diplomatic #directed #experts #house

People wonder why first-time directors can make a brilliant picture, then suck on the second one. It's because they're a little terrified the first time. So they listen to all the experts around them.

James Caan

#because #brilliant #directors #experts #first

So the experts think we could have an AIDS-free generation in Africa by 2015, even if the mothers are positive.

Alan Cumming

#could #even #experts #generation #mothers

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NSF is the only federal agency with a proven track record of selecting education projects through a rigorous, careful and competitive process that draws on a wide variety of experts from outside government.

Bob Inglis

#careful #competitive #draws #education #experts

One obvious palliative of the evils of democracy in its present form would be to encourage much more publicity and initiative on the part of civil servants. They ought to have the right, and, on occasion, the duty, to frame Bills in their own names, and set forth publicly the arguments in their favor.

Bertrand Russell

#expression #freedom-of-expression #rationality #thought #freedom

Of course, today at the Karolinska Institute, I am working with some top experts - even some Nobel prize winners. They have the latest news and I have the technique.

Lennart Nilsson

#course #even #experts #i #i am

[The militia experts] accuse antigoverment agitants of paranoia, yet they spin around and claim that militias speak in coded phrases, have underground bunkers, and are secretly conspiring to take over the world and enslave minorities. They say it`s lunacy that men at the pentagon can conspire, yet they`re certain that farmers out on the plain are plotting as we speak. They depict the United Nations as weak und ineffectual, yet they portray raggedy-ass backwoodsmen as the world`s biggest organized military threat.

Jim Goad

#conspiracy #domestic-terrorism #militia #militia-experts #millitias

Suckers think that you cure greed with money, addiction with substances, expert problems with experts, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

#banking #economics #expertise #experts #finance

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