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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #ford

CNN can still afford 36 bureaus around the world.

Jim Walton

#around #bureaus #cnn #still #world

I really fancy Harrison Ford. I've got to say I think he's really divine. He's, like, an older man, I guess, although he's not really that old, obviously. I don't want to offend him.

Minnie Driver

#divine #fancy #ford #got #guess

Successful health reform must not just make health insurance affordable, affordable health insurance has to make health care affordable.

Elizabeth Edwards

#care #health #health care #health insurance #health reform

Because of the president's leadership, every American will have access to affordable, quality health care.

Rahm Emanuel

#affordable #american #because #care #every

Thanks to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, preventive care services, including contraception, will be covered by private insurance plans without co-pays or deductibles.

Sandra Fluke

#affordable #care #contraception #covered #including

We've also seen another future we could choose. First of all, we'd have the right to choose. It's an America in which no one can charge us more than men for the exact same health insurance; in which no one can deny us affordable access to the cancer screenings that could save our lives; in which we decide when to start our families.

Sandra Fluke

#affordable #also #america #another #cancer

Given the best of all possible worlds, I would make a few changes. I would place emphasis on increasing the amount of funding that goes into programs like Pell Grants, that purely and simply award funds to students who really cannot afford full tuition.

Charles Vest

#amount #award #best #cannot #changes

It has to do with the fact that Ford, for all his greatness, is an Irish egomaniac, as anyone who knows him will say.

Henry Fonda

#egomaniac #fact #ford #greatness #him

It doesn't interest me to be Harrison Ford. It interests me to be Mike Pomeroy and Indiana Jones and Jack Ryan. I don't want to be in the Harrison Ford business. I take what I do seriously, but I don't take myself seriously.

Harrison Ford

#ford #harrison #harrison ford #i #i do

When I was a kid in Houston, we were so poor we couldn't afford the last 2 letters, so we called ourselves po'.

George Foreman

#called #houston #i #kid #last

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