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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #globalization

Russia should support globalization. The Internet can develop in Russia in a very speedy way.

Anatoly Chubais

#globalization #internet #russia #should #speedy

Outsourcing and globalization of manufacturing allows companies to reduce costs, benefits consumers with lower cost goods and services, causes economic expansion that reduces unemployment, and increases productivity and job creation.

Larry Elder

#benefits #causes #companies #consumers #cost

The regime of globalization promotes an unfettered marketplace as the dynamic instrument organizing international relations.

William Greider

#globalization #instrument #international #international relations #marketplace

Greed and globalization aren't just America's fault.

Arlo Guthrie

#fault #globalization #greed #just

It is people who are the objects of globalization and at the same time its subjects. What also follows logically from this is that globalization is not a law of nature, but rather a process set in train by people.

Tarja Halonen

#follows #globalization #law #logically #nature

Under the process of ongoing globalization, advantages are, in the main, created for a minority of countries and development centres as well as powerful transnational companies.

Tran Duc Luong

#centres #companies #countries #created #development

Instead of saying that globalization is a fact, that it's inevitable, we've also got to demonstrate that while the growing interdependence of the world economy is indeed a fact, it's not uncontrollable.

Peter Mandelson

#demonstrate #economy #fact #globalization #got

People have accused me of being in favor of globalization. This is equivalent to accusing me of being in favor of the sun rising in the morning.

Clare Short

#accusing #being #equivalent #favor #globalization

Globalization is not just about changing relations between the ‘inside’ of the nation-state and the ‘outside’ of the international system. It cuts across received categories, creating myriad multilayered intersections, overlapping playing fields, and actors skilled at working across these boundaries. People are at once rooted and rootless, local producers and global consumers, threatened in their identities yet continually remaking those identities.

Philip G. Cerny

#definition #globalization #change

Im Verlaufe nicht nur der ökonomischen, sondern auch der politischen Globalisierung kann das kardinale völkerrechtliche Prinzip der Nichteinmischung in Gefahr geraten. Besonders gilt dies für dasVerhältnis des Westens zur islamischen Kultur. Vornehmlich von meinem toten muslimischen Freunde Anwar as-Sadat habe ich den Respekt gegenüber anderen Religionen gelernt. Ich habe von ihm gelernt die gleichen Wurzeln von Judentum und Christentum und Islam. Und inzwischen habe ich ausserdem gelernt, dass Konfuzius, Sokrates oder Lao Tse und ebenso Zarathustra und Gautama Buddha ein halbes Jahrtausend, Moses oder Echnaton ein ganzes Jahrtausend vor Jesus von Nazareth gelebt haben - und dass sie wahrscheinlich deswegen doch nicht unglücklicher gewesen sind als wir Heutigen. Unter den globalisierten Umständen der heutigen Menschheit geziemt jedermann Respekt und Toleranz gegenüber den Kulturen der anderen.

Helmut Schmidt

#politics #religion #tolerance #religion

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