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#good thing

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #good thing

If you played the game the right way, played the game for the team, good things would happen.

Ryne Sandberg

#good #good things #happen #played #right

I love the TV show, and if you make a bad movie it means you've soiled it. Just like if we made an advert. We were offered so many times and I'd say, look, this is the good thing, and you can't compromise that, because then you compromise the integrity of the characters.

Jennifer Saunders

#bad #because #characters #compromise #good

I think on balance, Don King has been bad for boxing. I think he's done some very good things and I think he did a heck of a job of promoting Ali but I think I could have promoted Ali.

Dick Schaap

#bad #balance #been #boxing #could

The good thing about flying solo is it's never boring.

Steve Fossett

#boring #flying #good #good thing #never

I think it helps me. You know, I've got two more meets under my belt, and that's always a good thing.

Carly Patterson

#always #belt #good #good thing #got

I always look at films as real stories with real people in real situations. That's why I struggle with the whole notion of calling someone the 'good guy' or the 'bad guy,' because I think we all have potential to do good things and all have the potential to do bad things.

Guy Pearce

#bad #bad guy #because #calling #films

I'm not a pretty boy who came to town and burst out of the gate, which is a good thing, because if I was, I probably wouldn't have been good enough then. I probably wouldn't have lasted. So I was very lucky not to be pretty.

Jeremy Piven

#because #been #boy #burst #came

There is no harm in repeating a good thing.


#good #good thing #harm #repeating #thing

When you're working with good people it brings good things out in you.

Martha Plimpton

#good #good people #good things #out #people

And well historically it's never been a good thing to compare yourself to biblical characters.

Daniel Radcliffe

#been #characters #compare #good #good thing

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