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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #gore

Blood is a splash of art, and art is a splash of blood


#blood #gore #psycho #art

At a time when the current and two former US presidents have admittedly indulged, as have politicians of all stripes from Al Gore to Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin and over 50% of the adult US population, the credibility tipping point of the War on Drugs propaganda has long been passed. All that appears to be missing is the political courage to admit failure and move on to more realistic and efficient policies. What will it take for decision makers to display the wisdom and garner the courage to end the disastrous War on Drugs and responsibly take charge of drug production and trade instead of leaving it in the hands of extremely dangerous and powerful international criminal organizations?

Jeffrey Dhywood

#drug-policy-reform #newt-gingrich #sarah-palin #war-on-drugs #courage

Then he turned his attention to the other one. He kicked and stopped on Scar-Face, turning her to jelly. He relished every breaking bone, every shattered rib, and every ruptured organ. He laughed when one eyeball spurted from it's socket and when shards of broken bones tore through her flesh. Then, still not satisfied, he leaped into the air and jumped up and down on her corpse. Flesh and blood and hair matted between the treads of his shoe. Then he dipped his index finger in her remains, and used her blood to add two more slash marks to the scorecard on his arm.

Brain Keene- Urban Gothic

#gore #horror #urban-gothic #death

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broked up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;... Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;... Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

Rabindranath Tagore

#tagore #freedom

Hasta el océano de las lágrimas tiene otra orilla; si así no fuera, nadie habría llorado nunca

Rabindranath Tagore

#tagore #home

Mientras estemos en llamas, sepamos arder y bullir

Rabindranath Tagore

#tagore #home

[T]he pressure to become muscular begins even earlier, as evidenced by the extreme bulking up of male action figures. These popular toys, including G.I.Joe and Star Wars characters, have increased in muscle size every decade since the 1960s; such subtleties can begin to exert size pressure on boys at a young age.

Susan Morris Shaffer

#boys-self-image #muscles #age

Air travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo.

Al Gore


I think everybody knows that on November 7th more people voted for Al Gore than George Bush, a fact that has been documented time and time again.

Corrine Brown

#al #al gore #been #bush #documented

The felonious five in their Supreme Court decision never said Gore did anything improperly in Florida.

Vincent Bugliosi

#court #court decision #decision #did #five

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