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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #ian

I'm a huge fan of Canadian rock-and-roll. When I was growing up, Rush came out with a record called Hemispheres, and I must have listened to that record for two years straight. Even when I was asleep I had it on. So, yeah, whenever I hear a Rush tune, the first thing I think of is Toronto.

Kiefer Sutherland

#called #came #canadian #even #fan

I've had some amazing people in my life. Look at my father - he came from a small fishing village of five hundred people and at six foot four with giant ears and a kind of very odd expression, thought he could be a movie star. So go figure, you know?

Kiefer Sutherland

#amazing people #came #could #ears #expression

I'm Liberace without a piano.

Paul Lynde

#liberace #piano #without

My own electorate, which I represented for 36 years as an anti-apartheid politician, had a considerable number of Jewish voters supporting me throughout my career.

Helen Suzman

#considerable #considerable number #electorate #had #i

We're in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyone's arguing over where they're going to sit.

David Suzuki

#brick #brick wall #car #everyone #giant

I get amazed, I can't look at it but about 10 seconds, at these politicians dancing around this, dancing around this, I'm trying to find a correct name for it, this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men.

Jimmy Swaggart

#absolute #amazed #around #asinine #correct

I believe that today's players who are Christians feel that it's important and their responsibility to acknowledge their faith.

Lynn Swann

#believe #christians #faith #feel #i

I like to believe that I've got a lot of guardian warriors sittin' on my shoulder including my dad.

Patrick Swayze

#dad #got #guardian #i #including

You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me.

Patrick Swayze

#giant #i #i am #know #leo

For the judgment was accomplished not only upon all the men of the Christian church, but also upon all who are called Mohammedans, and, moreover, upon all the Gentiles in the whole world.

Emanuel Swedenborg

#also #called #christian #christian church #church

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