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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #illness

In our stillness, we acknowledge God's greatness and we are at peace in our life. Stillness saturates us in the Presence of God.

E'yen A. Gardner

#peace #presence-of-god #stillness #change

Pain will never leave us. Instead of putting energy into destroying pain, we need to put energy into creating pleasure.

Tom Hodgkinson

#illness #pain #freedom

In our family "whim-wham" is code, a defanged reference to any number of moods and psychological disorders, be they depressive, manic, or schizoaffective. Back in the 1970s and '80s - when they were all straight depression - we called them "dark nights of the soul." St. John of the Cross's phrase ennobled our sickness, spiritualized it. We cut God out of it after the manic breaks started in 1986, the year my dad, brother, and I were all committed. Call it manic depression or by its new, polite name, bipolr disorder. Whichever you wish. We stick to our folklore and call it the whim-whams.

David Lovelace

#depression #manic-depression #mental-illness #family

Oh! This'll impress you - I'm actually in the Abnormal Psychology textbook. Obviously my family is so proud. Keep in mind though, I'm a PEZ dispenser and I'm in the abnormal Psychology textbook. Who says you can't have it all?

Carrie Fisher

#abnormal-psychology #bipolar #celebrities #celebrity #manic-depressive

Spoilers follow I started reading the third act of Hamlet, and I got about two pages in when I realized there's no point. I am never going back to school. I am never going to the university. I am never going to watch wolves stalk through the northern forests or elephants graze on the savanna. I am never going to have sex or get married or raise a family. I'm never going to have a first apartment, a first house, a first car. I'm never

Megan Crewe

#hopelessness #nihilism #terminal-illness #virus #family

Kate was about to protest when something caused her to look in her mother’s direction. She was standing statue-like in front of the television with that brave, painted-on smile. Then Kate realized what had caught her attention: her mother’s tear-filled eyes were reflecting the on-off motion of the blinkers like a watery mirror. Kate stared transfixed at the flashing points of light that betrayed her mother’s pain. The urge to tell her father how much she wanted him to be proud of her and how much he had hurt her, faded in the dark depths of her mother’s eyes.

Sabrynne McLain

#family-drama #mental-illness #family

I was inspired to write (Life Continues) to tell people dealing with MS or any other illness that if opening your eyes, or getting out of bed, or holding a spoon, or combing your hair is the daunting Mount Everest you climb today, that is okay.

Carmen Ambrosio

#illness #inspirational #ms #multiple-sclerosis #inspirational

I've got to that point in life when there's very few thrills and lots of pills seems we all end up this way. As we wait for our final day. But there's one thing about the pills I take. My manic episodes have taken a break

Stanley Victor Paskavich

#mental-health #mental-illness #life

I am not afraid to die; I am only afraid of saying goodbye to you forever.

Shannon L. Alder

#dying #fear #goodbye #hope #illness

Whenever there is stillness there is the still small voice, God's speaking from the whirlwind, nature's old song, and dance...

Annie Dillard

#stillness #nature

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