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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #peace

peace is joy at rest, and joy is peace on its feet

Anne Lamott

#peace #faith

The punishment of every disordered mind is its own disorder.

Augustine of Hippo

#peace-of-mind #anxiety

People who insist on dividing the world into 'Us' and 'Them' never contemplate that they may be someone else's 'Them'.

Ray Davis

#prejudice #racism #racism

To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

#mind #peace #meditation

It is the oldest ironies that are still the most satisfying: man, when preparing for bloody war, will orate loudly and most eloquently in the name of peace.

Alan Moore

#peace #war #irony

Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content, The quiet mind is richer than a crown...

Robert Greene

#peace #quiet #contentment

…my Solitude is my Treasure, the best thing I have.

A.S. Byatt

#solitude #solitude

The Chair I’m writing to you, who made the archaic wooden chair look like a throne while you sat on it. Amidst your absence, I choose to sit on the floor, which is dusty as a dry Kansas day. I am stoic as a statue of Buddha, not wanting to bother the old wooden chair, which has been silent now for months. In this sunlit moment I think of you. I can still picture you sitting there-- your forehead wrinkled like an un-ironed shirt, the light splashed on your face, like holy water from St. Joseph’s. The chair, with rounded curves like that of a full-figured woman, seems as mellow as a monk in prayer. The breeze blows from beyond the curtains, as if your spirit has come back to rest. Now a cloud passes overhead, and I hush, waiting to hear what rests so heavily on the chair’s lumbering mind. Do not interrupt, even if the wind offers to carry your raspy voice like a wispy cloud.

Jarod Kintz

#chair #insightful #metaphor #peaceful #pensive

If you want to have order in the commonwealth, you first have to have order in the individual soul.

Russell Kirk

#politics #theology #theology

If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good. You would free yourself of all of that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, or control your mate, or control your child. You are the only one who creates your reality. For no one else can think for you, no one else can do it. It is only you, every bit of it you.

Esther Hicks

#abraham-hicks #allow #control-freaks #control-issues #controlling

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