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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #ily

Candle In the Wind Author: Bernie Tauplin Goodbye Norma Jeane. Though I never knew you at all. You had the grace to hold yourself While those around you crawled. And they crawled out of the woodwork, And they whispered into your brain, They set you on the treadmill And they made you change your name. And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind, Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in. And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid, Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did. Loneliness was tough. The toughest role you ever played. Hollywood created a superstar And pain was the price you paid. Even when you died The press still hounded you- All the paper had to say Was that Marilyn was found in the nude. Goodbye Norma Jeane. Though I never knew you at all. You had the grace to hold yourself While those around you crawled. Goodbye Norma Jeane. From the young man in the 22nd row Who sees you as something more than sexual, More than just our Marilyn Monroe.

Elton John

#elton-john #lyrics-in-a-song #marilyn-monroe #norma-jeane #poetry

Uncommon anxiety came to us in common hours when other people were doing mundane things like taking out the trash or checking their phones. But there was nothing to be done for this. We couldn’t change who we were or what had happened.

Laura Anderson Kurk

#depression #family #glass-girl #grief #laura-anderson-kurk

Time can be cruel if you don’t use it wisely ~ Imani Wisdom, Zion's Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption.

Imani Wisdom

#inspirational #romance-love #suspense #faith

Card five hundred and thirty-four," repeated Artemis. "Of a series of six hundred standard inkblot cards. I memorized them during our sessions. You don't even shuffle." Argon checked the number on the back of the card: 534. Of course. "Knowing the number doesn't answer the question. What do you see?" Artemis allowed his lip to wobble. "I see an ax dripping with blood. Also a scared child, and an elf clothed in the skin of a troll." "Really?" Argon was interested now. "No. Not really. I see a secure building, perhaps a family home, with four windows. A trustworthy pet, and a pathway leading from the door into the distance. I think, if you check your manual, you will find that these answers fall inside healthy parameters." Argon did not need to check. The Mud Boy was right, as usual.

Eoin Colfer

#humor #family

What do you think is my favourite book? Just now, I mean; I change every three days. "Wuthering Heights." Emily Bronte was quite young when she wrote it, and had never been outside of Haworth churchyard. She had never known any men in her life; how could she imagine a man like Heathcliffe? I couldn't do it, and I'm quite young and never outside the John Grier Asylum - I've had every chance in the world. Sometimes a dreadful fear comes over me that I'm not a genius. Will you be awfully disappointed, Daddy, if I don't turn out to be a great author?

Jean Webster

#jerusha-abbott #writing #wuthering-heights #change

We are all the product of things we've never seen and people we never met. In fact, if just one little detail had been changed in their lives, we may not even exist!

Melanie Johnston

#genealogy #the-last-lord-of-paradise #change

There are some things in life that shouldn't be given so much importance, if they don't change what is essential.

Laura Esquivel

#family #food #love #passion #r

–¿No te importa siquiera a dónde voy? –dijo él. –¿Qué si estoy yendo al Infierno? –Siempre quise ver el Infierno, –dijo Cecily con calma. –¿No lo quiere todo el mundo? –La mayoría de nosotros pasamos el tiempo luchando para mantenernos al margen de él

Cassandra Clare

#spanish #will-herondale #spanish

—Jem es la mejor parte de mí. —Entonces, ¿qué soy yo? —Eres mi debilidad. —Y Tessa es tu corazón.

Cassandra Clare

#cecily-herondale #clockwork-princess #james-carstairs #tessa-gray #william-herondale

But playing your music as loud as you want and coming home drunk aren't real life. Real life, it turns out, is diapers and lawnmowers, decks that need painting, a wife that needs to be listened to, kids that need to be taught right from wrong, a checkbook, an oil change, a sunset behind a mountain, laughter at a kitchen table, too much wine, a chipped tooth, and a screaming child.

Donald Miller

#diapers #family #marriage #real-life #sunset

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