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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #life

Quand nous prendrons conscience de notre rôle, même le plus effacé, alors seulement nous serons heureux. Alors seulement nous pourrons vivre en paix et mourir en paix, car ce qui donne un sens à la vie donne un sens à la mort. (Terre des Hommes, ch. VIII)

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

#happiness #life #death

Was it Jesus you saw a picture of?” he says and looks up at me. If it had not been for the friendly voice and the long pause before the question, I would have thought he was making fun of me. He finds it a little embarrassing that I am a Christian; all he wants is for me not to be different from the other kids, and of all the kids in the neighbourhood, his youngest son is the only one to call himself a Christian. But he is really wondering about this. I feel a flutter of joy because he actually cares, and at the same time I become a bit offended that he underestimates me like that. I shake my head. “It wasn’t Jesus,” I say.

Karl Ove Knausgård

#karl-ove-knausgaard #karl-ove-knausgård #knausgaard #life #min-kamp

He was pale as only one state on Bhast dictated—not lacking color necessarily or vitality, certainly. Fey white was more comparable to a pearl; the color subtle and the luster soft, but still vibrant. In spite of the tragedy that could come with it, it was not a dying state. It was a state of living…sometimes much more brilliantly than people could cope with, including the Fey individuals themselves.

T.A. Miles

#dying #fey #genetic-state #life #living

Do not contemplate the Essence of the UnVeiled, for the UnVeiled therein your World does not hold to polarities, nor of your conjectures; Chapter "The Unveiling


#life #spirituality #thresholds #death

Could there ever be a wise man without the wisdom or life or without the death of illusion?

Sorin Cerin

#illusion #life #death

In my carpet bag are the mushrooms that I gathered in the woods. With two fingers I pick up a piece and look at it. Then I take a bite and wait for my body to react. Now I'm in a better mood. In a short time I'll be dead. Or alive. I'm not always sure that there's any difference.

Peter H. Fogtdal

#life #mushrooms #poison #death

Maybe that's what being alive is about: so we can track down those movments that are dying.

Muriel Barbery

#hedgehogs #life #movement #death

Who are we to make such a decision? To allow another living being - any living being - to die, when ours is the power to prevent it? - Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic)

John Byrne

#death #life #power-of-life-and-death #sanctity-of-life #death

A viagem não acaba nunca. Só os viajantes acabam

José Saramago


Flying high in the dark sky, crazy and free, I was happy visiting the worlds and giving death or madness to the people. Either was liberation.

Lara Biyuts. Vampire Armastus

#life #vampire #death

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