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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #older

As we get older, we tend to become more risk averse because we tend to find reasons why things won't work. When you are a kid, you think everything is possible, and I think with creativity it is so important to keep that naivety.

Heston Blumenthal

#because #become #creativity #everything #find

The prospect of dating someone in her twenties becomes less appealing as you get older. At some point in your fife, your tolerance level goes down and you realize that, with someone much younger, there's nothing really to talk about.

Clint Eastwood

#appealing #becomes #dating #down #fife

Some years ago I gave a concert in the mountains with snow all around, and that was much colder.

Andrea Bocelli

#around #colder #concert #gave #i

The older I get the more wisdom I find in the ancient rule of taking first things first. A process which often reduces the most complex human problem to a manageable proportion.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

#complex #find #first #first things #get

One thus sees that a new kind of theory is needed which drops these basic commitments and at most recovers some essential features of the older theories as abstract forms derived from a deeper reality in which what prevails in unbroken wholeness.

David Bohm

#basic #commitments #deeper #derived #drops

As you get older it's more confusing. Suddenly, there's more pressure to fit in to your assigned gender.

Chastity Bono

#confusing #fit #gender #get #more

When you are older you will understand how precious little things, seemingly of no value in themselves, can be loved and prized above all price when they convey the love and thoughtfulness of a good heart.

Edwin Booth

#convey #good #good heart #heart #how

The older I get, the less I suffer fools gladly.

Kathleen Turner

#get #gladly #i #less #older

The grandest of all laws is the law of progressive development. Under it, in the wide sweep of things, men grow wiser as they grow older, and societies better.

Christian Nestell Bovee

#development #grandest #grow #law #laws

As I have gotten older, I've discovered the joys of being lazy.

Julie Bowen

#being lazy #discovered #gotten #i #joys

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