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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #rarely

I'm rarely singing in English.

Renee Fleming

#i #rarely #singing

As a matter of fact, I rarely ever play myself.

Frank Langella

#fact #i #matter #myself #play

Genius is rarely able to give any account of its own processes.

George Henry Lewes

#account #any #genius #give #own

Events alone rarely provide much guide to the future.

Walter Lord

#events #future #guide #much #provide

Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen.

Louis L'Amour

#covered #day #had #hear #i

A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new; when an age ends; and when the soul of a nation long suppressed finds utterance.

Jawaharlal Nehru

#comes #ends #finds #history #long

A woman one loves rarely suffices for all our needs, so we deceive her with another whom we do not love.

Marcel Proust

#deceive #her #love #loves #needs

Even Colin Powell who was everywhere before he became secretary of state, just stopped going out. I think part of it was he didn't want to be viewed suspiciously by the other people in the White House who rarely go anywhere.

Sally Quinn

#became #before #colin #colin powell #even

I don't get angry very often. I lose my temper rarely. And when I do, there's always a legitimate cause. Normally I have a great lightness of being. I take things in a very happy, amused way.

Julia Roberts

#amused #angry #being #cause #get

I long for typical days, but rarely get them any more.

Nora Roberts

#days #get #i #long #more

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