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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #robbing

When ATM machines came out and people were prosecuted for robbing ATM machines, I don't think anybody thought the banks were against technology because they didn't want their ATM machines lifted.

Hilary Rosen

#anybody #atm #banks #because #came

Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.

Henry Miller

#develop #forget #interest #interesting #interesting people

My main concern is if this composer has been made aware of the fact that I've come clean in all of my cases. I killed in pure hate, robbing along the way. So if this person hasn't, then I'd sure appreciate it if someone would inform him or her of it.

Aileen Wuornos

#appreciate #aware #been #cases #clean

The business of the advertiser is to see that we go about our business with some magic spell or tune or slogan throbbing quietly in the background of our minds.

Marshall McLuhan

#advertiser #background #business #go #magic

Writers of novels and romance in general bring a double loss to their readers; robbing them of their time and money; representing men, manners, and things, that never have been, or are likely to be.

Mary Wortley Montagu

#bring #double #general #likely #loss

The north of the Central African Republic is now a war zone, with rival armed bands burning villages, kidnapping children, robbing travelers and killing people with impunity.

Nicholas D. Kristof

#armed #bands #burning #central #children

You might as well praise a man for not robbing a bank.

Bobby Jones

#man #might #praise #robbing #well

If you rob too much from one person, it becomes murder. If you steal little by little, it looks like business. Just find a way to refine it. The Internet has made it possible to connect to the whole world via one platform. Steal a penny from each person, call it service charge and you will be a millionaire. The volume makes a difference.

Ravindra Shukla

#internet #millions #robbing #tycoon #volume

Vaguely conscious of that great suspense in which we live, we find our escape from its sterile, annihilating reality in many dreams, in religion, passion, art.

Arthur Symons

#dreams #escape #religion #suspense #throbbing-gristle

What is the robbing of a bank compared to the founding of a bank?

Bertolt Brecht

#compared #founding #robbing

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