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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #run

We will never known what opportunities we may have missed in life by showing up tight-fisted. It is hard to receive anything if we don't open our hands to give.

Bruna Martinuzzi

#generosit #mensch #life

Striving to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way.

Book of Runes

#rune #life

There were moments in life, Marion thought, when you reached back, baton in hand, feeling the runner behind you. Felt the clasp of their fingers resonating through the wood, the release of your hand, which then flew forward, empty, into the space ahead of you.

Erica Bauermeister

#resonating #running #togetherness #life

The moon looked like melted mozzarella to my bleary and blurry vision. Was I tired, intoxicated, or in love? Or was I sober, asleep, and alone?

Jarod Kintz

#asleep #blurry #cheese #drunk #intoxicated

-The reason we race isn't so much to beat each other but to be with each other. -The Hopis consider running a form of prayer; they offer every step as a sacrifice to a loved one, and in return ask the Great Spirit to match their strength with some of his own.

Christopher McDougall


After all, it's one thing to run away when someone's chasing you. It's entirely another to be running all alone.

Jennifer E. Smith

#running-away #love

The footing was really atrocious. I loved it. I really like Cross Country; you're one with the mud.

Lynn Jennings


I loved the full heat of being drunk, like I was made of melting chocolate and spreading in all directions.

Leslie Jamison

#drunk #drunken-behaviour #drunkenness #love

He gestured toward the rice pudding. "I put cinnamon on it. Cancels out the cholesterol. Read about it on the Men's Health Web site." Her lips twitched. "That's bullshit." She eyed the banana cream pie. "What cheap pop-science justification have you got for that one?" He contemplated the pie. "Well, bananas are good for you. Lots of potassium, which helps you shed water weight, right? And there's no trans fats in the pie crust. I can promise you that." "Yeah?" Her lips pursed, suppressing a smile. "So what is in it?" He grinned wickedly. "Lard," he announced. "Artery clogging, cholesterol-laden pig fat. Hope you're not a vegetarian.

Shannon McKenna


It was like he was a caveman grunting, "You woman. Me man. Let’s make babies together.

Missy Lyons

#cave-men #caveman #grunting #instincts #mating

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