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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #sai

Flying back from New York, the flight attendant said 'God, I wished you were here yesterday, we had a stroke on the plane. I said, if I have a stroke on a plane, I hope the pretend doctor isn't the one on the plane. I want a real doctor.

Anthony Edwards

#attendant #back #doctor #flight #flying

Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith, and inconsistent with it. But all science, in fact, rests on a basis of faith, for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws - a thing which can never be demonstrated.

Tryon Edwards

#basis #been #demonstrated #fact #faith

A fan sent me a letter and a $10 bill. It's a short letter - all she said was, "Hey, since it's harder for you to go out these days without getting photographed, here $10 for a pizza." I was like, "Aww, she sent me money for a pizza so I could eat at home!"

Zac Efron

#could #days #eat #fan #getting

A woman called me interesting once, and it kind of blew my mind. She said, 'You're one of the most interesting people I've ever met,' and I was like, 'Wow.'

Zac Efron

#called #ever #i #interesting #interesting people

I hope everybody will go back to the negotiating table. I've always said this is the only way forward.

Mohamed ElBaradei

#back #everybody #forward #go #hope

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope, For hope would be hope for the wrong thing.

T. S. Eliot

#i #my soul #said #soul #still

It was said of me recently that I suffered from an Obsessional Privacy. I can only suppose it must be true.

Dirk Bogarde

#i #i can #me #must #obsessional

I made a Christmas album a couple of years ago and just put it out on my Web site. It kind of smacked of this flavor. All of the reviews said it was Western swing even when it was Christmas standards.

Suzy Bogguss

#album #christmas #christmas album #couple #even

If you say city to people, people have no problem thinking of the city as rife with problematic, screwed-up people, but if you say suburbs - and I'm not the first person to say this, it's been said over and over again in literature - there's a sense of normalcy.

Eric Bogosian

#been #city #first #i #literature

People are no longer primarily in opposition, nor can they be said to be interacting, rather they are participating in this pool of common meaning which is capable of constant development and change.

David Bohm

#change #common #constant #development #interacting

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