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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #sai

A spirit in my feet said go, and I went.

Matthew Brady

#go #i #said #spirit #went

I had to go. A spirit in my feet said 'Go,' and I went.

Mathew Brady

#go #had #i #said #spirit

Why are men talking about what clothes they're wearing? It's so unmanly, I think. It's like Versailles before the Revolution, without the style.

Rupert Everett

#before #clothes #i #i think #like

One of the comments that we've heard that has really blessed us is people have been driven back to the book of Revelation to prove us wrong only to find that what we said was there.

Tim LaHaye

#been #blessed #book #comments #driven

I said, I'm on this TV show and I love doing it, but I don't want to be known always as the silly "Scrubs" guy... So part of me was like, You know what? Life's short. Let's go for it.

Zach Braff

#doing #go #go for it #guy #i

There are the saints who were raptured at the beginning of the tribulation period - those are the Christians.

Tim LaHaye

#christians #period #saints #those #tribulation

Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn't be done.

Sam Ewing

#embarrassing #nothing #said #someone #something

I've said this forever - I've always believed the Today show is more than the sum of its parts.

Jeff Zucker

#believed #forever #i #more #parts

At times one feels that what is being said in the West is that the fact that you are a Muslim predisposes you to this blind, stupid terrorism.

Lakhdar Brahimi

#blind #fact #feels #muslim #said

They said I was a married mother of two but the record sounded like an indie album and they didn't know how to market it! This country is incredibly sexist, as is the music and media industry.

Siobhan Fahey

#country #how #i #incredibly #indie

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