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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #security

We need a reform of the Security Council. It must be perceived as truly representative by all the 191 member states, to uphold the credibility and legitimacy of the UN as the main political arena.

Anna Lindh

#council #credibility #legitimacy #main #member

Maybe I'm less sensitive to these issues because I see that what people need first is economic security, and only when they have that can they afford to focus on human rights.

Peter Munk

#because #economic #economic security #first #focus

He wanted pure compliments, just as he wanted unconditional love.

Alan Hollinghurst

#happy #insecure #insecurity #line-of-beauty #love

The last thing the Department of Homeland Security is about is infringing on anybody's constitutionally protected rights.

Janet Napolitano

#anybody #constitutionally #department #homeland #homeland security

I think the American people have become more reliant upon government and less reliant upon themselves and that they now tend to put security ahead of freedom, but I think freedom is the most important aspect of our lives.

Lyn Nofziger

#american #american people #aspect #become #freedom

If the security forces continue to be dominated as they are now by political groups or sects, then the people won't trust in them - and the result will be civil war or fragmentation of the country.

Adnan Pachachi

#civil war #continue #country #dominated #forces

I have been fiercely private, in part because I could never understand how a journalist could be otherwise. I was also the mother of small children, and security concerns were paramount.

Jane Pauley

#because #been #children #concerns #could

If you can't even acknowledge that you have to fix Social Security, that's not a very good starting point.

Rob Portman

#even #fix #good #point #security

We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than that only freedom can make security secure.

Karl Popper

#make #must #only #other #plan

It's my insecurity that makes me want to be a comic, that makes me need the audience.

Ray Romano

#comic #insecurity #makes #me #need

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