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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #specifics

I don't want to talk about the specifics of other people's performances compared with my own. I'd never do that.

Jonny Lee Miller

#compared #i #my own #never #other

So without getting into the specifics, I can tell you that to the extent that investigation is a relatively important investigation and meaningful, the president would have been periodically briefed.

Robert Mueller

#briefed #extent #getting #i #i can

Sometimes in my class I have people come in and do monologues inspired by people they know and I always find that to be useful to do specifics about somebody and then you're actually doing a character and not doing some random old lady or something.

Amy Poehler

#actually #always #character #class #come

The truth of good economic doctoring is to know the general principles, and to really know the specifics. To understand the context, and also, to understand that an economy may need some tender loving care, not just the so-called hard truths, if it's going to get by.

Jeffrey Sachs

#care #context #economic #economy #general

Avoid context and specifics; generalize and keep repeating the generalization.

Jack Schwartz

#context #generalization #generalize #keep #repeating

As I've said, I've been advised not to get into the specifics out there. Is there some truth out there? Yes. Is there a lot of falsehood out there? Absolutely.

Jeff Gannon

#advised #been #falsehood #get #i

If the Net becomes the center of the universe, which is what seems to be happening, then the dizzying array of machines that will be plugged into it will virtually guarantee that the specifics of which chip and which operating system you've got will be irrelevant.

Marc Andreessen

#becomes #center #chip #dizzying #got

It's great to be able to connect parents with children both emotionally and through humor. I look forward to exploring family entertainment once again and examining the specifics of our day-to-day lives against the backdrop of an extraordinary adventure.

Jon Favreau

#adventure #again #against #backdrop #both

We were succeeding. When you looked at specifics, this became a war of attrition. We were winning.

William Westmoreland

#became #looked #specifics #succeeding #war

A lot of those ideal towns are all starting to look the same, the specifics are starting to disappear. So we need to retain a love for life, a love for one's family, a love for where one's really from.

Jason Mraz

#family #ideal #life #look #lot

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