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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #thin

The wolf was sick, he vowed a monk to be - But when he got well, a wolf once more was he

Walter Bower

#same-thing #sick #sickness #wolf #change

I think music needs to be presented in a way so that kids can grasp songs, dances, simple music that's associated with some particular defining moment in human experience.

Michael Tilson Thomas

#dances #defining #defining moment #experience #grasp

The word poet literally means maker: anything which is not well made doesn't exist.

Theophile Gautier

#exist #literally #made #maker #means

Juk smulkmenų ir įvairių detalių taifūne taip lengva pasimesti, paprasčiausiai atidėti į šoną pačius svarbiausius dalykus gyvenime, kai esi įsitikinęs, jog niekas tokiai, į jokią kitą nepanašiai meilei negresia, o paskui vieną gražią dieną supranti, kad visas tavo gyvenimas pavirto į smulkmeną ir tu, laikui bėgant, tapai visiškai svetimas tam, kurį labiausiai mylėjai.

Richard Bach

#little-things #love #life

No problem can be solved until it is reduced to some simple form. The changing of a vague difficulty into a specific, concrete form is a very essential element in thinking.

J. P. Morgan

#concrete #difficulty #element #essential #form

I think, as I've gotten older I have realized what a huge privilege it is to even be in this business. I, more than ever, love what I do.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

#even #ever #gotten #huge #i

There’s such a thing as being irritatingly ethical,” said Eldric. “That’s you, right now.” That’s a pleasant change. Witches are rarely accused of being irritatingly ethical. “I’ve swigged.” I handed the bottle to Eldric. “Or is it swug?” “Swug,” said Eldric. “It is in bad-boy circles, at least.” He swug. “It tastes much better outside church.” “It’s the picnic principle,” I said. “Things taste better outdoors. And if it’s a forbidden thing, so much the better.

Franny Billingsley

#forbidden-things #change

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