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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #title

Everybody's entitled to think whatever they want and to express that, but my personal day-to-day experience does not come into contact with any of those people.

Amy Grant

#come #contact #day-to-day #does #entitled

I knew if I stayed in London my whole life would be dancing. I'd won almost every major title you can. I thought 'This really isn't my passion. I really want to sing,' and I knew I wouldn't be able to if I stayed there.

Julianne Hough

#almost #dancing #every #i #knew

Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for.

Marian Wright Edelman

#entitled #feel #struggle #sweat #you

Competing in both track and field and basketball for the Bruins I have a lot of great memories to choose from. But my all-time favorite moment in collegiate sports has to be in 1982 when we won UCLA's first NCAA title in track.

Jackie Joyner-Kersee

#basketball #both #choose #competing #favorite

I like titles that are a little difficult, because it's kind of counterintuitive.

Charlie Kaufman

#difficult #i #kind #like #little

I believe the American people are entitled to some straight talk when it comes to higher education funding.

Ric Keller

#american people #believe #comes #education #entitled

Firms would be given initial entitlements to gross markup on the basis of past performance. These entitlements would be transferable and a market in them would be developed.

William Vickrey

#developed #entitlements #firms #given #gross

So let me be clear, Collective bargaining isn't a right, it is an expensive entitlement. Once and for all, we are giving the taxpayers a voice in this debate. We put the power back in the hands of the people.

Scott Walker

#bargaining #clear #collective #collective bargaining #debate

I never really know the title of a book until it's finished.

Mary Wesley

#finished #i #know #never #really

When a stranger on the street makes a sexual comment, he is making a private assessment of me public. And though I’ve never been seriously worried that I would be attacked, it does make me feel unguarded, unprotected. Regardless of his motive, the stranger on the street makes an assumption based on my physique: He presumes I might be receptive to his unpoetic, unsolicited comments. (Would he allow a friend to say “Nice tits” to his mother? His sister? His daughter?) And although I should know better, I, too, equate my body with my soul and the result, at least sometimes, is a deep shame of both. Rape is a thousand times worse: The ultimate theft of self-control, it often leads to a breakdown in the victim’s sense of self-worth. Girls who are molested, for instance, often go on to engage in risky behavior—having intercourse at an early age, not using contraception, smoking, drinking, and doing drugs. This behavior, it seems to me, is at least in part because their self-perception as autonomous, worthy human beings in control of their environment has been taken from them.

Leora Tanenbaum

#culture #entitlement #harassment #hypersexualization #rape

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