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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #violence

I looked at her, with her hair spilled out on the pillows and the warmth of her body warming mine. And I thought, god-dang, if this ain't a heck of a way to be in bed with a pretty woman. The two of you arguing about murder, and threatening each other, when you're supposed to be in love and you could be doing something pretty nice. And then I thought, well, maybe it ain't so strange after all. Maybe it's like this with most people, everyone doing pretty much the same thing except in a different way. And all the time they're holding heaven in their hands.

Jim Thompson

#crime-fiction #human-condition #love #murder #violence

Violence is almost an everyday occurrence in some Muslim lands: it should not be exacerbated by revenge attacks on more innocent families and communities.

Cat Stevens

#attacks #communities #everyday #exacerbated #families

What deep violence does the mind invent / As polar opposite to love. (In 'Hat Love').

Tony Williams

#violence #love

As the boys screamed and hauled off handfuls of mulch, Olivier had slowly, deliberately, gently taken Gabri’s hand and held it before gracefully lifting it to his lips. The boys had watched, momentarily stunned, as Olivier had kissed Gabri’s manure-stained hand with his manure-stained lips. The boys had seemed petrified by this act of love and defiance. But just for a moment. Their hatred triumphed and soon their attack had re-doubled.

Louise Penny

#love #lovers #romance #violence #love

You don't think I could bring myself to mark your lovely skin? I'll take my knife to you, if that's the case. I'll carve my name in your breast so that every beat of your heart will remind you that you are mine—and mine alone. Because blood is binding, and because I would rather see you destroyed than see you free or in the possession of another, so I suggest you not try me, or you will suffer as no earthly creature has.” He slammed her back against the wall. “Or ever will. But that is a suggestion, and one you are free to disregard at your own peril. But you are are going to answer my question.

Nenia Campbell

#dark #disturbing #horror #ownership #possessive

I first learned the concepts of non-violence in my marriage.

Mahatma Gandhi

#non-violence #marriage

I’m a combat specialist and marriage counselor.

Jarod Kintz

#fight #fighting #marriage #marriage-counselor #quarrel

I believe that Gandhi’s views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time. We should strive to do things in his spirit: not to use violence in fighting for our cause, but by non-participation in anything you believe is evil.

Albert Einstein

#corporations #gandhi #truth #violence #men

It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country to decide, by their conduct and example, the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force.

Alexander Hamilton

#chance #government #society #united-states #violence

Any violation of a woman's body can become sex for men; this is the essential truth of pornography.

Andrea Dworkin

#men #pornography #sexism #sexualization #violence

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