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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #writers

I think I'm part of a generation of crime writers all of whom woke up independently and recoiled with horror at the fact that we'd chosen this very conservative genre.

Laura Lippman

#conservative #crime #fact #generation #genre

Writers should provoke disagreement.

V. S. Naipaul

#provoke #should #writers

There are plenty of clever young writers. But there is too much genius, not enough talent.

J. B. Priestley

#enough #genius #much #plenty #talent

The Sweat and the Furrow was Silas Weekley being earthly and spade-conscious all over seven hundred pages. The situation, to judge from the first paragraph, had not materially changed since Silas's last book: mother lying-in with her eleventh upstairs, father laid-out after his ninth downstairs, eldest son lying to the Government in the cow-shed, eldest daughter lying with her lover in the the hayloft, everyone else lying low in the barn. The rain dripped from the thatch, and the manure steamed in the midden. Silas never omitted the manure. It was not Silas's fault that its steam provided the only uprising element in the picture. If Silas could have discovered a brand of steam that steamed downwards, Silas would have introduced it.

Josephine Tey


They're pretty particular about what they show. They certainly edit the scripts and have conversations with the writers about what they are and aren't willing to portray. But the writers and the network are pretty much on the same page.

James Denton

#certainly #conversations #edit #much #network

Our great American writers were all newspaper people.

John Gould

#american writers #great #great american #newspaper #our

The so-called feminist writers were disgusted with me. I did my thing, and so I guess by feminist standards I'm a feminist. That suits me fine.

Chrissie Hynde

#disgusted #feminist #fine #guess #i

I do remember actually learning chords to Beatles songs. I thought they were great songwriters.

Mick Taylor

#beatles #beatles songs #chords #great #i

If you're a misanthrope you stay at home. There are certain writers who really don't like other people. I'm not like that, I don't think.

Paul Theroux

#home #i #like #other #people

To return to antiquity [in literature]: that has been done. To return to the Middle Ages: that too has been done. Remains the present day. But the ground is shaky: so where can you set the foundations? An answer to this question must be found if one is to produce anything vital and hence lasting. All this disturbs me so much that I no longer like to be spoken to about it.

Gustave Flaubert

#writers #writing #age

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