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Hello, how are you today? · Great, we're calling from the gym regarding the terms of your membership. · Well, we do have your file here, otherwise how would I be calling you? · Not important, the purpose of this call is to inform you that you're now banned from our facilities. · We've received multiple complaints from our members regarding you and your weird fetishes. · Yes, we've received multiple complaints about you leaving your dirty socks on other people's lockers or your underwear on random gym bags, just to mention a few. · We know it was you because you have your little name tag on every piece of underwear! · This behaviour is unacceptable and we would really recommend some sort of professional help. · All the best!
It is very easy to send this call prank to your friends. The prank will be received with a three-second break after each sentence; this creates the illusion of a real conversation for the recipient. Need some more interactions? Try out the interactive prank mode for sending audio pieces at a certain time when your prank call is connected.