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Urghh Confessions

Read the best #urghh confession stories

I have a friend named Noah and we have been friends for like 6 months. He is so funny and so nice. I really like him, but I don't know if he likes me back. He always does the sweetest things for me and is so thoughtful. No other girls seem to express any interest in him except one of the girls who sits at our table. She always is eyeing him and even though we aren't dating I get so d*** jealous. For the past 3 weeks I've had dreams of us kissing, holding hands etc. I don't know if I shod tell him because I feel like I will jeopardize our friendship and it's one of the only things I have ): I also need to mention the fact that I like another guy and he knows so maybe if I clarified the fact that I'm interested in someone else now he would make a move, or should I?

#help   #friend   #zoned   #urghh  

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