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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #average

I've always said when I broke in I was an average player. I had an average arm, average speed and definitely an average bat. I am still average in all of those.

Brooks Robinson

#am #arm #average #bat #broke

I had very good support from Democrats and Republicans all throughout my administration. I had a very high batting average. We added more jobs per year in my four years than any other president since the Second World War.

Jimmy Carter

#administration #any #average #batting #democrats

I think it's a little irresponsible for women who choose surgery to then say they can portray the average woman on the street, because if the average woman can't afford those treatments, then she's going to say, 'I'm 53 and I don't look like that,' and start thinking she's ugly or inadequate.

Debra Winger

#average #average woman #because #choose #going

On the average, I don't spend more than 15 minutes in the car - to go to the golf course or the gym. And that's the only time I listen to the radio.

Dweezil Zappa

#average #car #course #go #golf

Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward, and you will have the truth about him.

H. L. Mencken

#about #average #before #between #her

Cutting taxes for very high income people an average of more than $100,000 a year for people that make more than a million dollars a year is not an effective way to get the economy going.

Austan Goolsbee

#cutting #dollars #economy #effective #effective way

I was a fairly good amateur musician, and I was an average professional. But the one thing I saw was that the big band business was fading.

Alan Greenspan

#average #band #big #big band #business

Even crushed against his brother in the Tube the average Englishman pretends desperately that he is alone.

Germaine Greer

#alone #average #brother #crushed #desperately

I've lived nearby since 1981 and probably have averaged one run a week there. That's more than 1,000 repetitions, and I have yet to tire of this course.

Joe Henderson

#course #i #lived #more #nearby

I'm an average person.

Jim Hodges

#average person #i #person

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