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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #ax

We’ll be back!” he snarled. It was really Ari’s voice. Boy, you just can’t kill people like you used to,” said Fang

James Patterson


One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.

Ron Paul

#founding-fathers #illegal-taxes #income-tax #politics #ron-paul

A rather vicious cycle has been at work for years. Reduced taxes on the rich leave them with more money to influence politicians and politics. Their influence wins them further tax reductions, which gives them still more money to put to political use. When the loss of tax revenue from the rich worsens already strained government budgets, the rich press politicians to cut public services and government jobs and not even debate a return to the higher taxes the rich used to pay. So it goes – from Washington, to Wisconsin, to New York City.

Richard Wolff How the rich soaked the rest of us Guardian March

#equality #inequality #inequity #politics #rich

I want to be able to see stuff," Iggy said. "Like I used to, when I was little. And I want to be able to totally kick Jeb's butt.

James Patterson

#iggy #maximum-ride #revenge #experience

Doing something positive will help turn your mood around. When you smile, your body relaxes. When you experience human touch and interaction, it eases tension in your body.

Simone Elkeles

#relaxation #experience

What?" I said, suspicion starting to rise in me. "When did they start coming after you?" "Was it— was it after the oil-slick Hummer crash?" the Gasman asked Iggy tentatively. My eyes widened. Oil-slick Hummer crash? Iggy rubbed his chin, thinking. "Or maybe it was more— after the bomb," the Gasman said in a low voice, looking down. "I think it was the bomb," Iggy agreed. "That definitely seemed to tick them off.

James Patterson

#gazzy #humor #iggy #maximum-ride #the-gasman

I thought we stopped using grunts as guinea pigs decades ago. Even the Nazis didn't run medical experiments on their own troops in combat. This book explodes like a grenade in the Pentagon's privy. Red it and weep; better yet, get mad." Col. David H. Hackworth (U.S. Army, ret.)

Gary Matsumoto

#coverup #government-lies #soldiers #experience

I had to give him props, but how annoying of him to be a hero when I was trying so hard to dislike him. It was downright selfish.

James Patterson


Dear Lord,” began Randy, who paused for long enough that Tristan sneaked an eye open to look at him. His saw his mother’s cheek twitch with what he thought might be apprehension. “We are so grateful to be gathered here today with our family, and the family of our brother’s homosexual boyfriend, and our new little goth friend who has a gay dad, whatever the heck that is all about. We’d like to say we’re grateful this year for condoms, lube, and Ellen Degeneres, and for those guys on Queer Eye…” Randall Evan Phillips!” his mother shouted.

Z.A. Maxfield

#thanksgiving #z-a-maxfield #family

By today’s standards, if you go by the early morning TV misery shows, my broken home family of mixed parentage siblings was quite normal.

Hailey Giblin

#holly-wells #ian-huntley #jessica-chapman #maxine-carr #soham

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