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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #beauty

Jesus walked to a solitary place to pray. He went somewhere and found a physical place. We must do the same, so the “going to”, and “the passing through” become a beautiful imitation of our Teacher as we seek to be like Him and be with Him. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

David Paul Kikrpatrick

#prayer #beauty

I reached my hand up when he catches me by the wrist stopping me. "No touching," he speaks so low it is barley a whisper. I gasped, damn what a turn on, I try reaching for his hair with my other hand when he stops me again. Roughly he tells me again, "No touching.

Glenna Maynard


If I was your mirror, you would look for me more, than you do me.

Anthony Liccione

#empty #idle #importance #selfish #stuck-up

...a useful coorective to the triumphalism of some scientists. For example, Maddox went out of his way to emphasise the provisional nature of much physics - he referred to black holes as 'putative' only, to the search for theories of everything as 'the embodiment of a belief, even a hope' and stated that the reason why the quantum gravity project is 'becalmed' right now is because 'the problem to be solved is not yet fully understood' and that the idea that the universe began with a Big Bang 'will be found to be false'.

Peter Watson

#theory-of-everything #beauty

You wouldn't know what the fuck to do in a dangerous situation if your life depended on it. And it would, little one.

T.E. Sivec

#burn #dangerous #garrett #parker #playing-with-fire

When the last peak died away, Alan opened his eyes. Huiann was watching his face. He was embarrassed until he saw the glitter of tears in her eyes. He touched her cheek. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” His sticky spunk was all over her hand and his belly and he felt like a fool. He reached to grab the undershirt he’d tossed aside and wiped both of them clean. “I’m sorry.” “No. No, Alan.” She touched her fingers to his mouth. “Gou. It is good. You face is beau-ti-ful.” She pronounced each syllable with exquisite care. He kissed the fingers pressed to his lips. “No, you’re beautiful. A damn miracle.

Bonnie Dee

#bonnie-dee #captive-bride #huiann #beauty

What I want is a beautiful and sophisticated piece of ass that happens to be 'bi.

Scott Jonathan Nixon

#humor #languages #beauty

Because of this, I feel I am performing a work of love, not of hostility. I do not aim to accuse the contemporary world and monasticism but to enrich the world with the values that monasticism can and should contribute to it. Our world needs monks who are different from itself. Please God, this essay will help them to sing more clearly and beautifully the part they have to sing in the immense symphony of the present time. To Love Fasting: The Monastic Experience (prologue)

Adalbert de Vogüé

#christianity #fasting #beauty

There he is, in the fading light, certain of what he wants, certain of her. If Gillian were speaking to her sister, or more correctly, if Sally were speaking to her, Gillian would draw her over to the window to get a look. Isn't he beautiful? That's what she would have said if she and Sally had been talking. I wish I deserved him, she would have whispered into her sister's ear.

Alice Hoffman


We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, "I survived

Chris Cleave


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