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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #cleo

I really don't remember much about Cleopatra. There were a lot of other things going on.

Elizabeth Taylor

#cleopatra #going #i #lot #much

There is a certain kind of respect for authenticity today that there wasn't back in the days when they did 'Cleopatra,' where everything looked like a giant motel. People want to have it be authentic in the look, and authentic in the way people behave.

John Milius

#authenticity #back #behave #certain #cleopatra

I loved him so, even his past was precious to me. I found myself kissing each mark, thinking, I would have had it never happen, I would wish it away, taking him further and further back to a time when he had known no disappointments, no battles, no wounds, as I erased each one. To make him again like Caesarion. Yet if we take the past away from those we love - even to protect them - do we not steal their very selves?

Margaret George

#cleopatra #love #love

The April's in her eyes: it is love's Spring, And these the showers to bring it on..

William Shakespeare


Reservations is such a strong word. Sounds an awful lot like a date. Which you will remember, I said I’m not doing with you.” “You did say that. But that was before we bonded over shopping.” “This was not true shopping. You consulted while I purchased necessary supplies. I’m not dating you.” “Is that your final answer? Because you’re forcing me to pull out the big guns.” “What big guns?” “I have a new phone number on speed dial that you might find interesting.” He rattled it off and her mouth dropped open. “Where the hell did you get that?

Dani Harper

#josh-talarkoteen #kenzie-macleod #paranormal-romance #shapeshifter #werewolf

By the time she yanked on her old jeans and a battered plaid flannel shirt, she felt almost normal. Calm, as she plugged in the coffee pot. But the nightmare was still very much on her mind, because it wasn’t a dream… It was a memory.

Dani Harper

#kenzie-macleod #paranormal-romance #shapeshifter #werewolf #dreams

Although only three legs would obey him, the white wolf began to run. Run, to outpace the agony that could rip and tear a human heart. Run, to outdistance the human grief that could not be borne. Run, to be as the moon, a swift white shape gleaming in the night. Run, to be a wolf and only a wolf. As he raced away into the welcoming arms of the night, James was only fleetingly aware that he had just buried his human self alongside Evelyn. And then he was aware of nothing.

Dani Harper

#james-macleod #paranormal-romance #shapeshifter #werewolf #dreams

Selene’s life is a lesson to us that the trajectory of women’s equality hasn’t always been a forward march. In some ways the ancients were more advanced than we are today; there have been setbacks before and may be more in the future.

Stephanie Dray

#ancient-rome #cleopatra #cleopatra-selene #feminism #historical-fiction

The morning was brisk and the coffee was hot and roasted with little gurgles in the room. Rosie hadn’t moved, but she let out a tiny snore every now and again that made everything perfect.

Ruth McLeod-Kearns

#bond #daughter #ebook #family #fiction

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