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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #comment

The commentary track became a lot like the movie and there are some funny, long, awkward pauses that you can tell we're just trying to find stuff to say. None of us had gotten to really talk about the movie until that moment and they were in New York and we were in L.A.

Jay Roach

#awkward #became #commentary #find #funny

It's a sad commentary when I have to say that sometimes in our country we are real sensitive to race.

Oscar Robertson

#country #i #our #race #real

I also love the makers of South Park, because they're political, strong, and they're making all of these comments that would get you shot for if you did it in a drama.

Michelle Rodriguez

#because #comments #did #drama #get

I do cagefight commentary in my spare time.

Joe Rogan

#i #i do #spare #spare time #time

I never in my wildest imagination dreamed that I would somehow become a sports commentator.

Joe Rogan

#commentator #dreamed #i #imagination #never

I'm the one who made many of the bold comments that we'd seen the technologies from AMD as pretty good. Their technology in many areas was leading. But those are transient.

Kevin Rollins

#areas #bold #comments #good #i

You were doing a TV show - you don't realise that you're also making social commentary at the same time.

Amber Benson

#commentary #doing #making #realise #same

Getting comments like that from even the young people at the shows who probably aren't singers, the girls who just tell me that I'm an inspiration to them, for one reason or another.

Wanda Jackson

#comments #even #getting #i #inspiration

At the present moment, with little or no detail to hand, it is difficult for me to make any comment, beyond the expression of horror at the shameless haste with which the government appears to be pressing for our liquidation.

Ethel Rosenberg

#appears #beyond #comment #detail #difficult

I stay off the Internet, because I'm very sensitive to commentary. There could be 10 comments of 'Fabulous job!' and one 'She's horrible!' and it completely throws me.

Melissa Rosenberg

#commentary #comments #completely #could #fabulous

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