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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #construction

The Geometer has the special privilege to carry out, by abstraction, all constructions by means of the intellect. Who, then, would wish to prevent me from freely considering figures hanging on a balance imagined to be at an infinite distance beyond the confines of the world?

Evangelista Torricelli

#balance #beyond #carry #confines #considering

The increase in salaries at private companies has exploded, and Romania also faces a labor shortage, especially in construction. We believe that the Romanian market will remain an incentive, so that migration will not be an issue.

Traian Basescu

#believe #companies #construction #especially #exploded

Further, Japan is the second largest donor in Iraq after the United States, with over $5 billion dollars for humanitarian, infrastructure and reconstruction projects.

Michael K. Simpson

#billion #dollars #donor #further #humanitarian

What makes the production of my work so expensive? The whole installation thing - the construction, the objects, the technology. It really adds up.

Barbara Kruger

#construction #expensive #installation #makes #objects

From this point of view, science - the real game in town - is rhetoric, a series of efforts to persuade relevant social actors that one's manufactured knowledge is a route to a desired form of very objective power.

Donna Haraway

#objectivity #partial-perspective #rhetoric #science-studies #situated-knowledge

Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.

Yannick Heywang

#architecture #build #building #construction #create

The only direction not represented in their construction was vertical.

Lee Battersby

#construction #humor #architecture

But nobody predicted anything of this magnitude in terms of resistance. And in part, the magnitude of the resistance was spurred by our failures in reconstruction.

Wayne White

#failures #magnitude #nobody #our #part

I had not particularly liked the way in which he wrote about literature in Beginnings, and I was always on my guard if not outright hostile when any tincture of 'deconstruction' or 'postmodernism' was applied to my beloved canon of English writing, but when Edward talked about English literature and quoted from it, he passed the test that I always privately apply: Do you truly love this subject and could you bear to live for one moment if it was obliterated?

Christopher Hitchens

#edward-said #literary-criticism #literature #postmodernism #love

Deconstruction insists not that truth is illusory but that it is institutional.

Terry Eagleton

#illusory #insists #institutional #truth #truth is

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