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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #conventional

To build a great company, which is a CEO's job, sometimes you have to stand up against conventional wisdom.

Carly Fiorina

#build #ceo #company #conventional #conventional wisdom

I think one of the things that language poets are very involved with is getting away from conventional ideas of beauty, because those ideas contain a certain attitude toward women, certain attitudes toward sex, certain attitudes toward race, etc.

Diane Wakoski

#attitudes #away #beauty #because #certain

Performance art can involve the audience with taste, smell and sounds not available with electronic media and not practical with conventional theater. This is due to the usually small audience.

Jack Bowman

#audience #available #conventional #due #electronic

No one who has lived even for a fleeting moment for something other than life in its conventional sense and has experienced the exaltation that this feeling produces can then renounce his new freedom so easily.

Andre Breton

#easily #even #exaltation #experienced #feeling

I lead a very conventional life.

Joan Didion

#i #lead #life #very

Guy Rivers, a conventional piece as regards the love affair which makes a part of the plot, is a tale of deadly strife between the laws of Georgia and a fiendish bandit.

Carl Clinton Van Doren

#bandit #between #conventional #deadly #georgia

Of course there are regrets. I shall regret always that I found my own authentic voice in politics. I was too conservative, too conventional. Too safe, too often. Too defensive. Too reactive. Later, too often on the back foot.

John Major

#authentic #back #conservative #conventional #course

Doing the Muppet Show you forget about conventional filming.

Peter Mayhew

#conventional #doing #filming #forget #muppet

The world is put back by the death of every one who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality.

Florence Nightingale

#conventionality #death #development #every #gifts

The conventional notions of art have changed, and a lot of things done today are considered works of art that would have been rejected in the past.

David Rockefeller

#been #changed #considered #conventional #done

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