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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #distance

Liberalism seems to be related to the distance people are from the problem.

Whitney M. Young

#liberalism #people #problem #related #seems

I didn’t look at Thanet. I couldn’t because he would see the hurt on my face. “He loves you,” Thanet said. “He’s hurting and it’s not just the Quinn thing. It’s being away from you and wondering if you’re hurting, too. Or if you’re having too much fun to hurt. What he really needed was to laugh, though. So we laughed…until he cried.” That undid me. I looked at Thanet with so many questions on my lips.

Laura Anderson Kurk

#dating #family #glass-girl #henry-whitmire #high-school

I love when I reach Marcus on the phone and as he says hello, I can hear the music he's listening to in the background. That music is the sound of him without me. How he surrounds himself when I'm not there, which is almost all the time.

Megan McCafferty

#long-distance-relationships #love #love

Spending time with Savannah made me wonder whether it was possible to defy the norm. I wanted more of her, and no matter what happened between us, I already knew I'd never forget anything about her. As crazy as it sounded, she was becoming part of me, and I was already dreading the fact that we wouldn't be able to spend the day together tomorrow. Or the day after, or the day after that. Maybe, I told myself, we could beat the odds.' - John

Nicholas Sparks

#love #military-love #love

I managed to beat Michael Phelps’ 400 meter IM time. And not only did I beat his time, but I did it in exactly 200 meters.

Jarod Kintz

#bizarre #compete #competition #competitive #delusional

As the crow flies. That’s how she liked to walk. So what if she had nowhere to go? So what if no one on earth knew or probably cared where she was or when she’d get home? That wasn’t the point. It didn’t mean she had to take the long way. She was starting a new school in the morning, and she meant to put as much distance between herself and tomorrow as she could. Walking fast didn’t stop the earth’s slow roll, but sometimes it felt like it could.

Francine Pascal

#alone #distance #tomorrow #walking #home

I imagine a line, a white line, painted on the sand and on the ocean, from me to you.

Jonathan Safran Foer

#longing #love #imagination

It looks a lot better from up here than it does down there, dont it? Yes. It does. There's a lot of things look better at a distance. Yeah? I think so. I guess there are. The life you've lived, for one. Yeah. Maybe what of it you aint lived yet, too.

Cormac McCarthy

#perspective #life

Ne t'est-il jamais arrivé de découvrir quelque chose de très beau, et, soudain, de souffrir très fort, et si vite que tu t'en aperçois à peine, parce que ce fragment de beauté que tu contemples, tu devrais le partager avec quelqu'un et qu'il n'y a que l'absence ?

Jacques Abeille

#love #missing #love

I didn't know someone could love me like this," she said. "Could love me and love me and love me without...needing space." Lincoln wasn't asleep. He rolled on top of her. "There's no air in space," he said.

Rainbow Rowell

#relationships #space #love

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