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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #disturb

Do not let any record company disturb your creative flow. You are not writing for the record company. You're writing for the public.

Grandmaster Flash

#company #creative #disturb #flow #public

Also, I think having that comic gene kind of makes you look at things in a different way. If you take yourself so seriously, eventually you end up one of those people having a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on their lives. You see them drawing the curtains and they don't even realize that they've kind of drifted off somewhere.

Jamie Foxx

#comic #curtains #different #different way #disturb

If I was in a room with a bunch of skinheads talking about racism, then I would be disturbed, but after we finished a take, we were normal people again.

Edward Furlong

#after #again #bunch #disturbed #finished

People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them.


#people #take #them #things #view

Similarly, the Marquis is presented in this film as someone who would disturb the status quo and therefore must be kept imprisoned.

Philip Kaufman

#film #imprisoned #kept #marquis #must

I am particularly disturbed that our country is the largest financial supporter of an organization that not only wastes a lot of our money but also seems to be increasingly anti-American in its policies and conduct.

Mac Thornberry

#am #anti-american #conduct #country #disturbed

We cannot and will not ban the creation of violent video games. But, we can prevent the distribution of these disturbing games to children, where their effects can be negative.

Herb Kohl

#cannot #children #creation #distribution #disturbing

I'm more disturbed when people expect me to be serious.

Calvin Trillin

#expect #i #me #more #people

Had we really succeeded therefore in altering the period of vibration, which Maxwell, as I have just noted, held to be impossible? Or was there some disturbing circumstances from one or more factors which distorted the result?

Pieter Zeeman

#circumstances #distorted #disturbing #factors #had

You think, eventually, that nothing can disturb you and that your nerves are impregnable. Yet, looking down at that familiar face, I realized that death is something to which we never become calloused.

Eliot Ness

#death #disturb #down #eventually #face

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