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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #emo

Hideo," said my mother, in the terrifying way women have of passing without interval from one subject to another because they have them all present in their mind at once, "you haven't found any kind of relationship?

Ursula K. Le Guin

#mothers #women #relationship

[E]xceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

Christopher Hitchens

#atheist #evidence #god #noremorse #science

Are you always so mistrusting?” he said, lifting a brow. “When my escort is a demon, yes.

Lia Davis

#demon #magic #paranormal-romance #the-divinities-series #witch

The laws of physics is the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece

Dan Brown

#dan-brown #physics #religion #religion

In any case, perhaps the quest for data to support our actions gets overemphasized. After all, our emotions distinguish us. Art and poetry and music are from and to the human heart, as is, for many, our relationship with the land.' ~ Randy Morgenson

Eric Blehm

#nature #art

And this is why you don’t want me to be friends with Dee, because you were afraid that I’d find out the truth?” “That, and you’re a human. Humans are weak. They bring us nothing but trouble.” My eyes narrowed. “We aren’t weak. And you’re on our planet. How about a little respect, buddy.” Amusement flickered in his emerald eyes. “Point taken.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

#katy #respect

You differ from a great man in only one respect: the great man was once a very little man, but he developed one important quality: he recognized the smallness and narrowness of his thoughts and actions. Under the pressure of some task that meant a great deal to him, he learned to see how his smallness, his pettiness endangered his happiness. In other words, a great man knows when and in what way he is a little man. A little man does not know he is little and is afraid to know. He hides his pettiness and narrowness behind illusions of strength and greatness, someone else's strength and greatness. He's proud of his great generals but not of himself. He admires an idea he has not had, not one he has had. The less he understands something, the more firmly he believes in it. And the better he understands an idea, the less he believes in it.

Wilhelm Reich

#knowledge #orgone #pride #projection #self-knowledge

Why is it we want so badly to memorialize ourselves? Even while we're still alive. We wish to assert our existence, like dogs peeing on fire hydrants. We put on display our framed photographs, our parchment diplomas, our silver-plated cups; we monogram our linen, we carve our names on trees, we scrawl them on washroom walls. It's all the same impulse. What do we hope from it? Applause, envy, respect? Or simply attention, of any kind we can get? At the very least we want a witness. We can't stand the idea of our own voices falling silent finally, like a radio running down.

Margaret Atwood


I did not want to be taken for a fool – the typical French reason for performing the worst of deeds without remorse.

Jules-Amédée Barbey d'Aurevilly

#french #remorse #respect #respect

The more I drive myself into the depth of my inside, the more things come up to my vision, visibly or invisibly... I even do not know if I am seeing them with my eye or with my mind. I just need to copy them on my canvases. But this mental process is always overwhelming. I often have hard time to deal with my emotion on this state. You could call this depression on surface? But actually, so many 're-birth' and 'reform' are going on on my thoughts, inspiration, philosophy...etc in the underwater. I believe this struggle make my art real. My art always comes from my emotion.

Hiroko Sakai

#artist #emotion #eye #inspiration #painting

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