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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #essence

Cruel persecutions and intolerance are not accidents, but grow out of the very essence of religion, namely, its absolute claims.

Morris Raphael Cohen

#accidents #claims #cruel #essence #grow

In essence the Renaissance was simply the green end of one of civilization's hardest winters.

John Fowles

#end #essence #green #hardest #renaissance

The essence of a role-playing game is that it is a group, cooperative experience.

Gary Gygax

#essence #experience #game #group

A lot of things are inherent in life -change, birth, death, aging, illness, accidents, calamities, and losses of all kinds- but these events don't have to be the cause of ongoing suffering. Yes, these events cause grief and sadness, but grief and sadness pass, like everything else, and are replaced with other experiences. The ego, however, clings to negative thoughts and feelings and, as a result, magnifies, intensifies, and sustains those emotions while the ego overlooks the subtle feelings of joy, gratitude, excitement, adventure, love, and peace that come from Essence. If we dwelt on these positive states as much as we generally dwell on our negative thoughts and painful emotions, our lives would be transformed.

Gina Lake

#essence #grief #loss #positive-thinking #recovery

If the private life of the sea could ever be transposed onto paper, it would talk not about rivers or rain or glaciers or of molecules of oxygen and hydrogen, but of the millions of encounters its waters have shared with creatures of another nature.

Federico Chini

#essence #life #nature #private-life #sea

Politics is repetition. It is not change. Change is something beyond what we call politics. Change is the essence politics is supposed to be the means to bring into being.

Kate Millett

#beyond #bring #call #change #essence

The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection.

George Orwell

#being human #does #essence #human #perfection

Just touching that old tree was truly moving to me because when you touch these trees, you have such a sense of the passage of time, of history. It's like you're touching the essence, the very substance of life.

Kim Novak

#essence #history #just #life #like

But the ability to articulate what you are doing, to be clear about it, and to stick to it is, I think, the essence of political leadership.

Chris Patten

#about #articulate #clear #doing #essence

When my twin grandchildren, Linda and Lyeke, were born two years ago, it changed me. I felt it was the essence of what life is about, and I cried all day. When my son Pierre, their father, was born I didn't cry like that.

Andre Rieu

#ago #all day #born #changed #cried

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