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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #experimentation

I wish my stove came with a Save As button like Word has. That way I could experiment with my cooking and not fear ruining my dinner.

Jarod Kintz

#experiment #experimentation #fear #food #innovation

To love in an age of empiricism is to be, above all, an 'experimenter.' To be always embracing new hypotheses, without ever questioning the evidence of the senses - this is why we need to endure the whip when we think we only want to try it.


#love #senses #age

When we say that humans have a “right” not to be used for these purposes, this means simply that the interest of humans in not being used as non-consenting subjects in experiments will be protected even if the consequences of using them would be very beneficial for the rest of us. The question, then, is why do we think that it is morally acceptable to use nonhumans in experiments but not to use humans? Vivisection, Part Two: The Moral Justification of Vivisection | Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach

Gary L. Francione

#moral-justification #utilitarianism #vivisection #experience

Doing risk sport had taught me another important lesson: never exceed your limits. You push the envelope and you live for those moments when you’re right on the edge, but you don’t go over. You have to be true to yourself; you have to know your strengths and limitations and live within your means.

Yvon Chouinard

#on-the-edge #risk #education

It was such a strange tormenting feeling when your daemon was pulling at the link between you; part physical pain deep in the chest, part intense sadness and love. Everyone tested it when they were growing up: seeing how far they could pull apart, coming back with intense relief.

Philip Pullman

#growing-up #souls #love

Science, my boy, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth.

Jules Verne

#facts #knowledge #science #scientific-method #truth

Being a shrinking city and a quintessential modern site in flux, Detroit is a testing ground for experimentation and rethinking.

Luis A. Croquer

#cities #detroit #experimentation #flux #rethinking

There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge... observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination.

Denis Diderot

#collects #combination #combines #experimentation #facts

No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.

Albert Einstein

#amount #ever #experiment #experimentation #me

Hollywood is the only industry, even taking in soup companies, which does not have laboratories for the purpose of experimentation.

Orson Welles

#does #even #experimentation #hollywood #industry

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