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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #extremists

One demonstration of extremists, any more than a Ku Klux Klan demonstration in the United States, is not necessarily reflective of what the rest of the country feels.

Leon Panetta

#country #demonstration #extremists #feels #klan

We must stop the Tea Party before the United States Senate falls into the hands of extremists and ideologues who leave no room for reason or compromise, who don't recognize common ground even when they're standing on it.

Harry Reid

#common #common ground #compromise #even #extremists

Well if done a lot of hard work to try and get people to act rationally, the fact that weve had 15 deviant Muslims, plus 5 or 8 others that got away does not mean that all Muslims are deviant or extremists.

Lee Kuan Yew

#away #does #done #extremists #fact

In all times, and all countries especially in those countries which are divided within by religious faith, there are always fanatics who will be well contented to be regarded as martyrs.

Alexandre Dumas

#martyrs #religion #faith

Whenever you have a crisis, you're always going to have the extremists taking advantage of the situation.

King Abdullah II

#always #crisis #extremists #going #situation

As far as Zarqawi is concerned, there is a network of extremists; it's not just Zarqawi.

John Abizaid

#concerned #extremists #far #just #network

You're always going to have extremists in every religion.

King Abdullah II

#every #extremists #going #religion #you

Earth's dispossessed are vulnerable targets for extremists: those who teach that global justice is meaningless; that satisfaction can come only in violence, division, and intellectual isolation.

Abdallah II

#dispossessed #division #earth #extremists #global

Undoubtedly, there are members of the former regime that are cooperating in some fashion and then there are extremists that are within Iraq that are cooperating with them.

John Abizaid

#extremists #fashion #former #iraq #members

Liberals in Congress have spent the past three decades pandering to environmental extremists. The policies they have put in place are in large part responsible for the energy crunch we are seeing today. We have not built a refinery in this country for 30 years.

Marsha Blackburn

#built #congress #country #crunch #decades

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