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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #fantasy

Real life this fdar had taught me that in the adult world, fate was chaotic and uncertain. Guidelines for success were arbitrary. But in the world of D&D, at least there was a rule book... By role-playing, we were in control, and our characters... wandered through places of danger, their destinies, ostensibly, within our grasp.

Ethan Gilsdorf

#role-playing #life

So – I am n-nothing more than – than a bloody job?! On top of not knowing why you must look after me – you only jumped at the chance to help me because your – that V-Vampire thought you couldn’t?! What are you, some – some child?!” “I am no child, human!” “Oh I would not have thought so,” she breathed condescendingly sending his blood to boil despite the ring, “if it were not for the fact that only children react so wondrously juvenile when faced with such a choice! You bargain my life over a show of bravado! And where is your brother, Christian?! He has not been here to see your brilliant work as my watcher, has he?!

S.C. Parris

#christian-delacroix #fantasy #human #the-immortal-s-guide #vampires

You read, move your lips, figure out the words, and it's like you're in two places at the same time: you're sitting or lying with your legs curled up, your hand groping in the bowl, but you can see different worlds, far-off worlds that maybe never existed but still seem real. You run or sail or race in a sleigh--you're running away from someone, or you yourself have decided to attack--your heart thumps, life flies by, and it's wondrous: you can live as many different lives as there are books to read.

Tatyana Tolstaya

#fantasy #lives #reading #wonder #worlds

And, for the gods sake, don't waste the whole day working! Make time for a bit of adventure dear. This life is only so long.

Adrastus Rood

#adventure-fantasy #fantasy #manly-hero #work #life

All that he had of her was his memory, where he held every moment, every single moment that she had been his. That was all he had, to keep out the loneliness.

Juliet Marillier

#loneliness #love #love

The passion I feel for you is more than you’re prepared for. - Eric

Kailin Gow

#love #paranormal-romance #phantom-of-the-opera #love

There are many kinds of joy, but they all lead to one: the joy to be loved.

Michael Ende

#fairy-tales #fantasy #michael-ende #love

Denna is a wild thing," I explained. "Like a hind or a summer storm. If a storm blows down your house, or breaks a tree, you don't say the storm was mean. It was cruel. It acted according to its nature and something unfortunately was hurt. The same is true of Denna.

Patrick Rothfuss

#fantasy #insight #love #nature #personality

I think love is stronger than habits or circumstances. I think it is possible to keep yourself for someone for a long time and still remember why you were waiting when she comes at last.

Peter S. Beagle


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