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#go home

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #go home

I learned that the hardest party to pull off successfully is Saturday night dinner. This meal is expected to be elaborate: appetizers, first course, dinner, dessert, and coffee. People arrive at 7:30 or 8 p.m. and stay for hours - definitely past my bedtime - and they all go home exhausted.

Ina Garten

#bedtime #coffee #course #definitely #dessert

If you're in a company, you're dancing from 9 a.m. till 7 in the evening, and then you go home and get in a hot tub and get some Epsom salts and try to get your body goin' again. There's no social life, no anything.

Neve Campbell

#anything #body #company #dancing #evening

Homey don't quit. What else are you gonna do? It's like those guys in the cartoon they get up in the morning, check the clock and fight all day and after it's over they check the clock and go home. That's how it goes.

Chubby Checker

#all day #cartoon #check #clock #day

When I go home my mother still makes me take out the garbage.

Nomar Garciaparra

#go #go home #home #i #makes

I would go to work from 9 to 6, go home, nap for two hours, then write from 8 to 2 a.m.

Lena Dunham

#go home #home #hours #i #nap

If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.

Woodrow Wilson

#after #come #conscience #dog #examine

We all have times when we go home at night and pull out our hair and feel misunderstood and lonely and like we're falling. I think the brain is such that there is always going to be something missing.

Jude Law

#brain #falling #feel #go #go home

Bad psychoanalysis would say I enjoyed pleasing people, working really hard and pleasing people, which is probably related to my father in some way. But I really liked working hard. When I worked at Disneyland, I'd do 12 hours straight and go home thrilled.

Steve Martin

#disneyland #enjoyed #father #go #go home

When you make a drama, you spend all day beating a guy to death with a hammer, or what have you. Or, you have to take a bite out of somebody's face. On the other hand, with a comedy, you yell at Billy Crystal for an hour, and you go home.

Robert De Niro

#beating #billy #bite #comedy #crystal

When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and diaper bags, and play with my sisters.

Dakota Fanning

#bags #diaper #dolls #go #go home

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