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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #coffee

grow up and smell the fucking coffee!

E.L. James


The perfectly measured burr of a dispassionate detective had suddenly changed into the explosive boom of a take-no-shit street cop. Suffice it to say, I froze.

Cleo Coyle

#detective #humor #change

I asked the girl at the coffee shop out on a date. Unfortunately she said no, probably because I asked her out to coffee.

Jarod Kintz

#dating #rejection #dating

Sure some medical experts say coffee could be a health hazard, but they obviously never built a web site before!

Geoff Blake

#design #dreamweaver #medical #website #design

I see the same coffee table everywhere. It's mass marketing.

Douglas Wilson

#coffee table #everywhere #i #i see #marketing

After getting dressed at warp speed, I actually managed to drive all the way to high school before I realized I'd forgotten my morning coffee. Mystery, intrigue, and naked dreams aside, that didn't bode well for my chances at making it through the morning without killing myself. Or someone else.

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

#coffee #dressed #forgotten #killing #naked

Coffee is a way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self.

Terry Pratchett

#humor #humor

I decide to turn to my old faithful solution to all that is wrong in life. Coffee.

Lisa Renee Jones


Tea is certainly as much of a social drink as coffee, and more domestic, for the reason that the teacup hours are the family hours."

Arthur Gray

#tea #family

Natalie's estate is handled by Global Icons, and they police the world so her picture isn't on a T-shirt or coffee cup unless we approve of it.

Robert Wagner

#coffee #cup #estate #global #handled

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