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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #gold

But what's worth more than gold?" "Practically everything. You, for example. Gold is heavy. Your weight in gold is not very much gold at all. Aren't you worth more than that?

Terry Pratchett

#value #money

The reason gold-diggers trivialize relationships is because they do not know love,they only know money.

Moffat Machingura

#know-love #love #money #reason #relationships

Maybe he loves her. Maybe he wishes to have her forever, maybe he wishes that she could be his bride. Even then he might lose much to be with her-his properties, his position. But next to his love for her, what meaning do they have? He would be a fool to treasure dead gold more then a live heart.

John Speed


The Princess Bride S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure You had to admire a guy who called his own new book a classic before it was published and anyone had a chance to read it.

William Goldman

#authors #funny #high-expectations #narrative #princess-bride

It's as if people -- normal people -- are made of silver. Shiny to start with, but tarnished by time, by ill-treatment. Luca... Luca is gold. Nothing in the world could ever make him shine less brightly.

Zoë Marriott

#gold #inspirational #love #romance #inspirational

You should be cuddling with her. I can’t believe I just said that. Cuddling makes me want to vomit a little, but apparently women like it.

Lexi Blake

#lexi-blake #the-men-with-the-golden-cuffs #men

There are men who dig for gold; [Monseigneur Bienvenu] dug for compassion.

Victor Hugo

#driving-forces #gold #greed #men

Golden Rule Living is the great simplifier. It places us in another soul’s shoes, taking what can appear to be a com- plex decision that involves another and streamlining it to a one-step process of deciding, “If I wouldn’t like this done to me, then I shall not do it to another.

Molly Friedenfeld

#earth #god #golden-rule #heaven #honor

People who tell untruths are easily deceived because they have placed their energy in that negative vibration location and are now a match for that behavior.

Molly Friedenfeld

#deceived #energy #golden-rule #honor #inspiration

Am auzit sau am citit că filoanele de aur au uneori la suprafață un înveliș de cuarț, din care e greu să extragi metalul. Presupun că și inima ta are un asemenea înveliș; înăuntru se află metalul prețios, dar afurisita asta de coajă nu s-a topit de tot...

Henryk Sienkiewicz

#heart #inspirational #surface #inspirational

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