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#good thing

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #good thing

It avoids a self-conscious relationship to the act. We live in the most self-conscious society in the history of mankind. There are good things in that, but there are also terrible things. The worst of it is, that we find it hard to give ourselves to the cultural process.

Larry Harvey

#also #avoids #cultural #find #give

Your generation and mine have had very little real experience; we've been severed from the direct experience of war by some very good things. By the end of the draft, and by the defeat in Vietnam.

Michael Ignatieff

#defeat #direct #direct experience #draft #end

In Serbia a lot of people hate me because they want to westernize, not understanding that the western world is bipolar, with very good things and very bad things.

Emir Kusturica

#because #bipolar #good #good things #hate

You know what? It's a great conversation starter, right? You meet friends that way. Sometimes it's a good thing. And then other times, I guess, the person is just a little too... then you kind of like want to back away. It depends on the person, you know?

Alison Lohman

#away #back #conversation #depends #friends

If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.

Jim Rohn

#building #end #go #goals #good

Lacroix has been fantastic. He's very nice. He gets the joke, and I think that's a good thing.

Jennifer Saunders

#been #fantastic #gets #good #good thing

Marrying into money was not a good thing for me.

Anna Nicole Smith

#a good thing #good #good thing #into #marrying

Eating apples is good on so many levels. There's fiber in the skin that's really good for you. It helps with digestion and helps you absorb all the nutrients of everything you've eaten that day. Apples are a really good thing.

Rebecca Romijn

#apples #day #digestion #eaten #eating

A good thing to live by is to go after what truly interests you.

Crispin Glover

#after #go #good #good thing #interests

On the speech day, the production designer, who has a lot of say in things, and sometimes I didn't agree with him but I had to do what I was told, wanted the speech day to be all in neutral colours for the women, which was a good thing.

Julie Harris

#agree #colours #day #designer #good

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