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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #hearted

I'm from the suburbs and where I'm from didn't necessarily have people like you see in 'Suburgatory,' but along those lines and I think people will laugh at themselves. And it's lighthearted.

Jane Levy

#i #i think #laugh #lighthearted #like

Using your talent, hobby or profession in a way that makes you cintribute with something good to this world is truly the way to go.

Simon Zingerman

#business #creativity #feel-good #good-hearted #goodness

My Cape women are generally true to type - big hearted, motherly women who love the sea. My other characters, with the exception of the Portuguese, who I occasionally mention as Cape dwellers, are obviously drawn from the city types one sees in everyday life.

Joseph C. Lincoln

#cape #characters #city #drawn #dwellers

...I committed a sin the day I refused you - I discovered metal inside me where my heart should be - forgive me, Love, for acting on principles...

John Geddes

#love #refusal #repentance #selfishness #sin

I forgot my purse of laughter when I dressed this mornin'," she told me. "Have you not bought anythin' the last few days? Prices have gone up. Pay or starve, it's all one to me.

Tamora Pierce

#humorous-comebacks #inflation #sarcasm #seller #humor

She was not brokenhearted because the relationship had ended suddenly; she was brokenhearted because it had never truly ended.

Galt Niederhoffer

#ended #relationship #suddenly #truly #relationship

Vlad made a sound too harsh to be a growl. "You won't be satisfied until you've brought me to my knees, is that it?" "Why not?" It shot out of me with all the recklessness of my still-broken heart. "You brought me to mine.

Jeaniene Frost

#vlad #broken-hearted-quotes

I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix then broken hearts.



Why are you naked?" "The better to feed you, m'dear." He pointed between his legs and my gaze roved along his cock. Then I saw his forefinger tapping his inner thigh. "Femoral artery." "Riiight. And the major vein in your neck wasn't good enough because… ?" One black brow winged up and those delicious lips curved into a naughty smile. "Ah. Because then I wouldn't have had an excuse to get naked.

Michele Bardsley

#patrick #broken-hearted-quotes

Don't you dare weep," he commanded. "You've broken my heart." "I 'll fix it later.

Julie Garwood


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