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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #judgement

The best jury of your peers that you’ll ever find is…well, you. Only you know what you’re capable of and what you want to be.

Richelle Mead

#judgement #self-improvement #inspirational

When you see people only as personalities, rather than souls with life missions to fulfill, you forever limit the growth and possibilities of what God has in store for another person.

Shannon L. Alder

#judgement #vision #life

The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Often, love is a tangled web of lies that only a broken heart would weave. Seldom is dishonesty the whole person, rather it's the pain.

Shannon L. Alder

#broken-hearts #dishonesty #growth #hearts #judgement

Can you be happy with the movies, and the ads, and the clothes in the stores, and the doctors, and the eyes as you walk down the street all telling you there is something wrong with you? No. You cannot be happy. Because, you poor darling baby, you believe them.

Katherine Dunn

#eyes #happiness #judgement #movies #society

Part of the problem about authenticity is that virtues aren't the only things that are habit forming: the more someone behaves in a way that is damaging to self or to others, the more "natural" it will both seem and actually be. Spontaneity, left to itself, can begin by excusing bad behavior and end by congratulating vice.

N.T. Wright

#judgement #spontaneity #vice #virtue #nature

Immorality is the word we use to describe people that are not sinning the same way we are.

Shannon L. Alder

#church #hypocrisy #hypocrites #immorality #judgement

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

Winston Churchill

#judgement-day #conscience

Even god doesn't propose to judge a man till his last days, why should you and I?

Dale Carnegie

#prejudice #prejudice

The excitable observer will pass judgement first and then make knowledge conform to judgement; the prudent observer will first learn to know and then judge according to knowledge.

Thomas Cleary

#knowledge #observer #conformity

Everyone complains of his memory, and no one complains of his judgment.

François de La Rochefoucauld

#memory #judgment

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