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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #memory

One should cultivate good habits of memory, for it is capable of making existence a Paradise or an Inferno.

Baltasar Gracián

#happiness #memory #art

Because memory is time folding back on itself. To remember is to disengage from the present. In order to reach any kind of success in automobile racing, a driver must never remember.

Garth Stein

#memory #racing #success #truth #art

If I could capture the rays of the sun in a can, I'd paint a canvas with it and have you look at my work until the memory of my work was burned in your mind and your retinas burned out.

Jarod Kintz

#memory #paint #sun #art

When we first hear [a] word, we start putting these associational hooks into it that make it easier to fish it back out at some later date.

Joshua Foer

#memory #art

I Came away from the U.S. Memory Championship eager to find out how Ed and Lukas did it. Were these just extraordinary individuals, pridigies from the long tail of humanity's bell curve, or was there something we could all learn from their talents?

Joshua Foer

#humanity #memory #talent #art

The true art of memory, is the art of attention

Samuel Johnson

#memory #art

This is the best possible way to retain important details that you wish to remember in any unified field of knowledge, whether it be the field of economics, science, history, or any other--link them up with related items which you already know or wouldn't mind knowing.

Ralph Alfred Habas

#p #art

In art, either as creators or participators, we are helped to remember some of the glorious things we have forgotten, and some of the terrible things we were asked to endure...

Madeleine L'Engle

#artist #creation #creator #faith #grace

Whenever it rains, I remember him, not as a tear that hails down as a raindrop, but as a God of fertility. As, every time I remember him, his memories conceive a baby of emotions in me!

Mehek Bassi

#breakups #experience #hurt #life #love

And I'll dance with you in Vienna, I'll be wearing a river's disguise. The hyacinth wild on my shoulder my mouth on the dew of your thighs. And I'll bury my soul in a scrapbook, with the photographs there and the moss. And I'll yield to the flood of your beauty, my cheap violin and my cross.

Leonard Cohen

#love #memory #music #beauty

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