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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #kennedy

Sen. Edward Kennedy knows very directly. Senator Kennedy and I talked on several occasions prior to the war that my view was that the best evidence that I had seen was that Iraq indeed had weapons of mass destruction.

David Kay

#destruction #directly #edward #evidence #had

The way you have bipartisan negotiations, you sit down across the table, as we did with Ted Kennedy, as I've done with many other members, and you say, 'OK, here's what I want, here's what you want. We'll adhere to your principles, but we'll make concessions.'

John McCain

#adhere #bipartisan #concessions #did #done

I believe history will come to view 9/11 as an event on par with November 22, 1963, the date on which John F. Kennedy was murdered, cutting short a presidency that was growing ever more promising. Dreams died that day in Dallas; it is easy to imagine the 1960s turning out rather differently had President Kennedy lived.

Jon Meacham

#come #cutting #dallas #date #day

RFK was a compelling figure because he was willing to challenge his audiences, and in turn connect with them in a unique way. Kennedy showed that our values define us and can inspire others to believe in the possibility of change and a better society.

Frances O'Grady

#because #believe #better #challenge #change

I figure I'll be champ for about ten years and then I'll let my brother take over - like the Kennedys down in Washington.

Muhammad Ali

#brother #champ #down #figure #i

The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the world with its images, its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It's over. It supplies the world with its nightmares now: the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, Vietnam.

J. G. Ballard

#american dream #assassination #car #dream #dreams

Kennedy cooked the soup that Johnson had to eat.

Konrad Adenauer

#eat #had #johnson #kennedy #soup

And Hale was devoted to President Kennedy, and there was some talk following the assassination that Hale had warned the President not to go to Dallas, and the connotation was that it would be physically dangerous for him to do so.

Lindy Boggs

#connotation #dallas #dangerous #devoted #following

There used to be this feeling under Eisenhower and Kennedy and Roosevelt and Truman that government was a solution. Trust in the presidency fell precipitously under Johnson - real lows. And it's never come back. It's a trend that, if you're liberal, is really discouraging.

Robert Caro

#come #discouraging #eisenhower #feeling #fell

The fact is that we would have had comprehensive health care now, had it not been for Ted Kennedy's deliberately blocking the legislation that I proposed in 1978 or '79.

Jimmy Carter

#blocking #care #comprehensive #deliberately #fact

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