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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #less

The brain may die, but my compulsion for useless trivia lives on.

Molly Harper

#trivia #undead #useless-information #vampire-romance #information

That's when I realized that certain moments go on forever. Even after they're over they still go on, even after you're dead and buried, those moments are lasting still, backward and forward, on into infinity. They are everything and everywhere all at once. They are the meaning.

Lauren Oliver


High School is like a spork: it's a crappy spoon and a crappy fork, so in the end it's just plain useless.

John Mayer

#end #fork #high #high school #in the end

Because . . . most of us think that the point is something to do with work, or kids, or family, or whatever. But you don't have any of that. There's nothing between you and despair, and you don't seem a very desperate person.' 'Too stupid.' 'You're not stupid. So why don't you ever put your head in the oven?' 'I don't know. There's always a new Nirvana album to look forward to, or something happening in NYPD Blue to make you want to watch the next episode.' 'Exactly.' 'That's the point? NYPD Blue? Jesus.' It was worse than he thought. 'No, no. The point is you keep going. You want to. So all the things that make you want to are the point. I don't know if you even realize it, but on the quiet you don't think life's too bad. You love things. Telly. Music. Food.

Nick Hornby

#humor #life-lessons #simplicity #suicide #family

Forget the self and you will fear nothing, in whatever level or awareness you find yourself to be.

Carlos Castaneda

#fear #fearless #ego

In India, I was living in a little hut, about six feet by seven feet. It had a canvas flap instead of a door. I was sitting on my bed meditating, and a cat wandered in and plopped down on my lap. I took the cat and tossed it out the door. Ten seconds later it was back on my lap. We got into a sort of dance, this cat and I...I tossed it out because I was trying to meditate, to get enlightened. But the cat kept returning. I was getting more and more irritated, more and more annoyed with the persistence of the cat. Finally, after about a half-hour of this coming in and tossing out, I had to surrender. There was nothing else to do. There was no way to block off the door. I sat there, the cat came back in, and it got on my lap. But I did not do anything. I just let go. Thirty seconds later the cat got up and walked out. So, you see, our teachers come in many forms.

Joseph Goldstein

#lesson #humor

Honesty, while painful at times, was the best thing we could do for each other.

S.C. Stephens


There’s a relentless wave of WTF coming out of Washington DC.

Jarod Kintz

#corruption #crooked-politicians #politics #relentless #washington-dc

One of the greatest evils is the foolishness of a good man. For the giving man to withhold helping someone in order to first assure personal fortification is not selfish, but to elude needless self-destruction; martyrdom is only practical when the thought is to die, else a good man faces the consequence of digging a hole from which he cannot escape, and truly helps no one in the long run.

Mike Norton

#die #dig #digging #escape #evil

Blessings be on this house," Granny said, perfunctorily. It was always a good opening remark for a witch. It concentrated people's minds on what other things might be on this house.

Terry Pratchett

#witches #blessings

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