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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #less

If a farmer calls me to a sick animal, he couldn't care less if I were George Bernard Shaw.

James Herriot

#bernard #calls #care #farmer #george

My grandmother had great influence on me. She was secretary of state in the 1970's, and that's when I was born. She showed me the importance of public service, and she was admired by people regardless of their political party.

Stephanie Herseth

#born #grandmother #great #had #i

But we wish to give the Jews a Homeland. Not by dragging them ruthlessly out of their sustaining soil, but rather by removing them carefully, roots and all, to a better terrain.

Theodor Herzl

#carefully #dragging #give #homeland #jews

I don't spend sleepless nights over getting very bad reviews.

Werner Herzog

#getting #i #nights #over #reviews

A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. Even tyrants and dictators make a point of being fond of children. But the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

#behaves #being #care #children #culture

God is of no importance unless He is of supreme importance.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

#importance #supreme #unless

Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

#holy #just #live

He is senseless who would match himself against a stronger man; for he is deprived of victory and adds suffering to disgrace.


#against #deprived #disgrace #himself #man

We do not hate as long as we still attach a lesser value, but only when we attach an equal or a greater value.

Friedrich Nietzsche

#equal #greater #greater value #hate #lesser

Nevertheless, whether in occurrences lasting days, hours or mere minutes at a time, I have experienced happiness often, and have had brief encounters with it in my later years, even in old age.

Herman Hesse

#brief #days #encounters #even #experienced

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