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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #na

Many of the racial problems in America are caused by the fact that people are innately tribal, and politicians know how to exploit that biological fact.

Jim Goad

#biological #caused #exploit #fact #how

What is a personal calling? It is God's blessing, it is the path that God chose for you here on Earth. Whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, we are following our legend. However, we don't all have the courage to confront our own dream.

Paulo Coelho


Motionless we traverse countries we fancy we see, and your thought, blending with the fiction, playing with the details, follows the outline of the adventures. It mingles with the characters, and it seems as if it were yourself palpitating beneath their costumes.

Gustave Flaubert

#characters #fiction #imagination #madame-bovary #reading

The biggest deal for me was that all 24 winners are placed on the Billboard CD of the Year, which went out to 500 of the biggest Music Reps in the business, from radio and press to management and booking.

Arthur Godfrey

#billboard #booking #business #cd #deal

Pretty much whoever wins the tournament at the end of the week is the guy that putted probably the best.

Retief Goosen

#end #guy #much #pretty #probably

Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.

Albert Einstein

#opposition #wisdom #courage

After Nancy Pelosi became Speaker, we were told, 'She's the first female speaker of the House, so whether we like it or not, we've got to handle this with kid gloves. Don't go after Speaker Pelosi. You can go after other people, but you'll be branded as mean and evil if you go after the first female Speaker of the House.'

Louie Gohmert

#became #branded #evil #female #first

So the good news is, if you're unemployed and you go to apply for a job and you're not hired for that job, see a lawyer - you may be able to file for a claim because you were discriminated against because you were unemployed.

Louie Gohmert

#against #apply #because #claim #discriminated

The cutthroat part of it is that professional wrestling has no union. There are a number of people that are taken advantage of on a daily basis.

Bill Goldberg

#basis #daily #daily basis #number #part

Let your past be your spring-board, not your quicksand.

Steve Maraboli

#inspirational #life #past #quicksand #spring-board

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