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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #narrative

Narratives are the primary way in which we make sense of our lives, as opposed to, for example schema,cognition, beliefs, constructs. Definition of narrative include the important element of giving meaning to events and experiences over time by connecting them as a developing, continuing story.

Jacqui Stedmon

#life-story #narrative #perspective #experience

No word matters. But man forgets reality and remembers words.

Roger Zelazny

#history #humanity #memory #narrative #reality

Reading a novel after reading semiotic theory was like jogging empty-handed after jogging with hand weights. What exquisite guilt she felt, wickedly enjoying narrative! Madeleine felt safe with a nineteenth century novel. There were going to be people in it. Something was going to happen to them in a place resembling the world. Then too there were lots of weddings in Wharton and Austen. There were all kinds of irresistible gloomy men.

Jeffrey Eugenides

#literary-criticism #literary-theory #narrative #nineteenth-century #novels

The Princess Bride S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure You had to admire a guy who called his own new book a classic before it was published and anyone had a chance to read it.

William Goldman

#authors #funny #high-expectations #narrative #princess-bride

If you mean Miss Austen, I don't find her particularly romantic," Tasmin declared. "Can't say that I care much about the marriage arrangements among the middle classes." Tasmin Berrybender

Larry McMurtry

#jane-austen #romance #tasmin #marriage

Music’s the soundtrack of my life and has been since I was a teenager. There’s always music. If I’m not playing it, I’m listening to it. With my writing…sometimes it inspires a story, sometimes it highlights something I’m working on, sometimes it simply helps me stay in the narrative mood.

Charles de Lint

#music #narrative #inspirational

The pattern of the narrative never of necessity wants to end, it never has to.

Robert Creeley

#narrative #necessity #never #pattern #wants

My purpose is to make my narrative as truthful as possible.

George Armstrong Custer

#narrative #possible #purpose #truthful

I think that this misses out on some of the interesting narrative realities, which is that it actually doesn't work very well, that eliminating diversity is actually a really good way to make a species and its individuals less robust.

Cory Doctorow

#diversity #eliminating #good #good way #i

What other species now require of us is our attention. Otherwise, we are entering a narrative of disappearing intelligences.

Terry Tempest Williams

#disappearance #intelligence #language #narrative #beauty

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